Best field trip ever: Going to the Jean Paul Gaultier exhibition at the Kunsthal in Rotterdam. These are the days that I really love my school. But, then the everlasting question: What to wear? Mr Gaultier never asks himself this question. He only wears black, or his famous Breton stripe. If only my life was as easy as that. So today, I went for the easiest option as well: Breton stripes. All. Over.
To be honest I thought the exhibition was a bit small, but quality over quantity right? And boy was that quality amazing. It was so inspiring to see someone like Jean Paul Gaultier, coming from nowhere, having no education, creating his own empire. I love his way of thinking. His endless desire to push boundaries. His ideas about freedom, creativity and craftsmanship. Creating little, to no difference at all, between menswear and womenswear. This really got me thinking. Why is it that us, men, limit our selves to such little options when it comes to fashion. The black blazer or the navy vests. The ever so boring trousers or those silly jeans. Why is it so hard to create something new. Why was it possible for women to wear trousers, one-hundred years ago? Why is it nowadays still impossible to dress extravagantly as a men. I'm not saying we should all start wearing skirts, don't get me wrong! I hate those hairy male legs like everybody else does, but I do think there's more to life than sneakers t-shirts and jeans. I really want to write an article about this in the future...
This spring's issue of Vogue Homme international was dedicated to this "freedom in menswear" theme. They wrote a piece on the fact that there's nothing more than suits and ties in the wardrobe of today's male. The male fashion world is suffocated by rules and traditions, which doesn't sit well with true freedom. They ended with a rather provocative picture of a nude male, completely liberated from the fashion world.
I adored the concept.
I'm somehow happy with the outfit challenge I started. The quantity of outfits forces me to find new ways of dressing myself. Pushing me to create new pieces from old items. And after watching BBC2's Great British Sewing Bee finale this evening, I'm very eager to start sewing again. I really want to create my own garments. I'm desperate for a new way to out my creativity! Today's outfit was one of those ways. These socks are actually my mom's (Hussh don't tell her!) These shoes are new, I bought them in a vintage store in Berlin, on which I'll tell you an amazing story very soon!
shirt - Zara
jeans - H&M
shoes - vintage
socks - my mom's
watch - ALDO

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