I think I have the right to say: The summer season has finally started. The weather is hot. The sun is shining. And people are starting to show some skin. It's about time to educate all fine young men out there, on how (not) to wear those shorts.
Also highly educative for women...
Shorts come in all shapes and sizes. There's no actual guide to find the perfect short for your body-type. The key is just to find out your preference and stay with it. There are some rules, though, when it comes to shorts.
First of all, make sure they fit properly.
Not too baggy, you're not a potato in your summer-sack. But definitely not too tight either. Just make sure you'll be able to move just fine and please don't go any bigger than that.
Second: When is it appropriate for me to wear shorts?
This is a rather personal question. I would say, almost never. The male leg is often not a very pretty sight so we must minimize its exposure to the outside world. There is definitely no formal occasion where you can wear shorts, ever. Not to Family events (unless it's a barbecue wich is self-evidently already very un-stylish), meetings or June-weddings. Short can only be worn in your own spare time. That means: not to work and also not to school. This last rule is often ignored, but please gentlemen out there: Leave those shorts at home on a school day. Try opting for some light cotton or seersucker trousers instead. There's enough spare-time in the summer vacation to wear shorts, all day long!
Third: What is the appropriate length for a pair of shorts?
The normal length for a pair of shorts is just above the knee. You can try going a little shorter and be as edgy as you like to be, but please make sure you don't wear them too short. Your shorts also can't be any longer than just below your knee-cap. Otherwise it'll be to long and that's not the look you're going for, trust me! After all: there's a reason why they're called "shorts".
There are some more tips for you in the infographic below.
I hope you'll be able to dress yourself properly for the upcoming summer. Rock those shorts and enjoy the summer!

Of course there are some final rules on what not to wear, at all.
Obviously one should never wear cargo-shorts, bermuda's or those adjustable shorts with zippers. But there's more:
I'd like to take this opportunity to take a moment of silence, to remind ourselves that swimmingtrunks and boardshorts are not real shorts.
They can never be worn outside a swimming area. Apart from that, gentlemen, do yourselves a favor and stop wearing the immensly-popular tartan- or plaid-shorts. They're just not that pretty and very unflattering. Most of all because they're somehow only available in the ugliest colors one has ever seen.
And last but not least, a short message to all the female readers out there. Please make sure your hot-pants are do-able. I'm pretty sure that nobody likes to see the outlines of your cameltoe and/or buttcrack.
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